There are 4 categories of membership

Ordinary members -fee payable-  Being current or past serving members of the 41st Battalion

Associate Members - fee payable- Members families

Life Subscriber - fee payable - A membership that is for Life once you pay the once off fee 

Life Member - no fee payable - a honour that can only be approved by the members of the association 


The current Life members of the Association are 

Bob Carter

(Founding President of the Assoc)

Wally Jensen 

(Ex CO 41st Battalion)

Norm Clapham MBE

(Founding member & ex President of the Assoc)

Rod Haydon

(Awarded 20 Aug 2023 -Founding member , long term committee member of the Assoc)

Jack McDonough OAM 

(Awarded 11 Aug 24 - Founding Vice President and member, current Vice President)

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